Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This is just a start to see how this appears. More blogging to come ....


3rdwitness said...

I can tell you where the honest debate, detailed platform, solid workable plans for every major issue and stark transparency have all gone...they've been deliberately hijacked, blackballed and blacked out along with the only candidate that represents such things...Dr. Ron Paul.

I only wish that everyone had seen that all the typical issues, like abortion, illegal immigration, etc are utterly beside the point when we are faced with a bill of rights in tatters, new and frightening laws that are intended to be used against our own people in the name of a patently false "war on terror" whose real purpose is only to enrich the powerful further; and a constitution that has become all but kindling for Pres Bush's fireplace.

Taxes and rising prices are killing us. We are forced to stay on dirty expensive fossil fuels when there have been clean double duty alternatives available for mass production for over a decade. Alternatives that not only replace fossil fuels but literally clean the air as they are used.

These are more important issues than whether or not we agree on abortion. Dr. Paul doesn't want to dictate that anyway, but leave it to the states. We should have taken this chance to take our government back, for real, for good, and saved the whole world in doing so. But just like every other chance we've ever had to do right as a whole, all we can think about is ourselves and we can't see the forest for the trees...I believe that people will soon regret this irreversible error in judgment.

I admire your willingness to trek into your mind. Should be an interesting ride; Who knows what epiphanies will be born of your adventure.

From what I see here, it would appear that your reading audience will have an honest self examination to look forward to experiencing through your blog. good luck with it. :-)